Is Alkaline Water Good For You?
Water is really good for you and your health, no one is arguing against that. But which waters are the best for you? You could ask several people and get back several different answers, it all comes down to who you ask. While the average person is satisfied drinking tap water, there’s a large community of consumers who swear by alkaline water.
A recent trend is common waters with added special ingredients (like antioxidants, vitamins, and newly infused CBD water products) claiming to deliver massive health benefits.
Alkaline Water Affordability
Looking at alkaline water from a corporate standpoint, the publicly traded “Alkaline Water Company” (WTER (NASDAQ)) is valued at $46 million and is up 21% with year over year growth. It is no surprise that the rise in alkaline water awareness has grown exponentially over time and companies are yielding large profits.
The average bottle of alkaline water can cost you $2-$3 at your local grocery store or gas station. Realistically, the average person would not find it financially sustainable to drink alkaline water bottles constantly. There are home options, but most in-home alkaline water dispensers and filtration systems are dramatically overpriced. A simple Google search for alkaline water machines will range from $1500 on the low end to $4500 high-end pricing, and this typically does not reflect installation prices and the cost of extended warranties.
Convenience With Alkaline Water
It should always be a priority to always have access to clean water. Since the beginning of time, the way people have acquired drinking water has evolved from walking miles to the village well to mobile apps that orchestrate water deliveries straight to your front door. We live in an age of automation and convenience.
Most busy people today struggle just to remember to drink enough water on a day to day basis. Is it really practical to make trips to the grocery store to refill massive water containers? Also, who wants the physical demand of carrying 36-packs of bottled water up the stairway or loading them into an elevator with the rest of your groceries.
To some, fetching water is a common cause of minor injury and fatigue. Let’s face it, loading fresh bottled water into your home is not a pleasant chore. Perhaps because of this, a recent national poll by indicated that 1 out of every 3 Americans chooses to drink straight tap water.
What Does Alkaline Water Taste Like?
A recent study revealed that water tastes like water. As crazy as this sounds, a sensory experiment was conducted with 389 subjects in France being blindfolded and taking a taste test with a popular brand of alkaline water and municipal tap water. Out of all the participants, only 36% were able to distinguish the alkaline water from the tap water. Most commented on the bitterness of tap water, the neutral taste (associated with coolness) of the alkaline water, and the subtle saltiness and astringency of highly mineralized water.
The findings from this study indicate that people cannot correctly identify bottled water on the basis of its flavor. This suggests that the current high consumer demand for this beverage must be based on factors other than taste and are instead based mainly on perception.
Most people would agree to accept a bottle of alkaline water first before a non-alkaline generic brand. Personally, I find alkaline water more refreshing and satisfying when served chilled.
Here’s a quick science lesson: Every food and drink has a pH level, from 0 (very acidic) to 14 (very basic, or alkaline). Normal drinking water usually has a pH of 7. Alkaline water typically has a pH between 7.5 and 9. Proven theories state that eating and drinking more alkaline things will help keep your blood pH level as alkaline as possible.
Having higher alkaline levels is thought to reduce your risk of developing numerous diseases, including cancer and arthritis, as well as increase energy levels, reduce inflammation, and provide a host of other health benefits. Alkaline water may come from springs or artesian wells in areas where there is a large amount of dissolved minerals. Whether or not you buy into the hype, drinking more water is never a bad thing.

Methods To Create Your Own Alkaline Water
Baking Soda Method
With a pH level of 9, adding standard baking soda is one of the most popular yet time-consuming procedures to alkalize your drinking water.
A common recipe is ⅛ tablespoon of baking soda in 8 fluid ozs of purified water. Stir or shake the mixture thoroughly so that the baking soda becomes totally dissolved.
Pros = Natural, Eco-Friendly.
Cons = Baking soda is high in sodium, making it bad for your health. There is also an offsetting taste and you still need to purchase or acquire filtered water instead of tap water.

Alkaline Lemon Water Method
This may sound strange, but lemon juice is part of an alkaline diet. The juice, while highly acidic consisting of a pH of 2 or 3, produces basic properties when metabolized. Therefore, it is believed that you can lower acidity in your bloodstream by adding lemon juice into your water. Whether lemon water becomes alkaline after consumption is still controversial.
If you’d like to try this method, the good news is diluted lemon juice is safe and favorable to drink. If anything, it’ll add some vitamin C and a tart scent and taste to your drink. The aesthetic effects are similar to when you add lemon slices into your water jug or slices of lemon into your water when going to your favorite restaurants. Similar to the baking soda recipe, you can add ⅛ tablespoon of lemon juice in 8 fluid ounces of clean water. You may want to juice the lemons beforehand and store the juice in the fridge for future use.
Pros = Pleasant citrus taste if that is your preference.
Cons = Lower PH, inconvenience of buying lemons and preparation. Risks of pesticides being present in the fruit.

Alkaline Water Filtration Systems
These systems eradicate many types of pollutants and contaminants like fluoride, chlorine, and toxic heavy metals. Some of them are designed to make the water more alkaline. Simple filters and multi-stage systems may include mineral particles along with the layers of filtration materials for this purpose. During this stage, small trace amounts of calcium and magnesium are released into the water to increase the pH. This stage is popular on systems such as under the sink style systems and entire home water conversion systems. These expensive systems can be very useful for providing an abundant source of alkaline water whenever you feel thirsty.
Pros = Instant alkaline water, unlimited supply.
Cons = Expensive, installation requirements, quarterly filter replacements. No access to water when traveling, at work, or driving.

Alkaline Water Bottle Ionizers:
Alkaline Blue – Personal Water Filtration
This water ionizer is the solution to all the above cons and allows you to make a glass of alkaline water in under 3 minutes. So how does this Alkaline Water Bottle work? The simple click of a button on the bottle’s sleek base generates electrolysis and lights up the bottle with a blue UV beam of light to confirm that the ionization process is in effect. But this light is not just for show, it instantly destroys germs and bacteria found in your daily would be cup of water. Just pour in regular drinking water or tap water, wait for approximately three minutes, watch the cool transformation, then you’re all set with nutrient-rich alkaline water! An added bonus is that the bottle’s top and base are made from polished stainless steel, which not only looks modernistic but is also crafted in a sublime eco-friendly material. This Alkaline Water Bottle has an average pH level of 9.2, which means more alkaline minerals including calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium to boost and strengthen your immune system. The Alkaline Water Bottle has a handy and portable size that is perfect for your everyday adventures. What’s even better is that it has a water filter that can be conveniently used up to 20 times on a single charge (a USB cable is included too!)
Pros = Instant alkaline water, unlimited supply, transforms tap water to alkaline water, blue UV light kills bacteria, portable and affordable.
Cons = 2 year mechanical parts life span.

You Do Not Need a Recipe For Alkaline Water.

Consider that Alkaline water may alleviate the symptoms of various conditions and help restore your health and vitality. The health benefits of water are extensive. However, drinking water infused with molecular hydrogen is shown to alleviate symptoms associated with many different illnesses and restore certain aspects of a person’s health. More than 700 studies have been conducted regarding molecular hydrogen and its therapeutic effects on health issues – including 170 studies done on humans with various illnesses.
Beyond the health benefits of alkaline water, an overlooked fact is the waste that discarded alkaline water bottles produce and how it impacts our planet. Only 1 out of 5 plastic alkaline water bottles are ever recycled. The rest just become litter or get buried somewhere. More than 100 million plastic alkaline water bottles are used worldwide every day!
The plastic bottles may be BPA-Free, but there are still chemicals in the bottles, such as phosphates, that can seep into the drink and be harmful to your health. Bringing your own container that you can refill, or purchasing the Alkaline Blue personal filtration system to purify your tap water, can make a significant impact on the well being of the world.
Yeah! Lemon is quite good! I have not tried baking soda yet but that looks interesting. I wonder how that tastes.